CBMG715 is a complementary metal oxide semiconductor (CMOS), eight channel single pole single throw (SPST) switch controlled through a dual wire serial interface. The conduction resistance matching between switches is strict, and the conduction resistance curve is flat throughout the entire signal range. The conductivity of each switch is the same in both directions, and the input signal range can be extended to the power supply voltage range. The data is written to these devices in 8-bit format, with each bit corresponding to a channel.
CBMG715 adopts a dual wire serial interface compatible with the I2C interface standard. CBMG715 has four hard wired addresses, which are selectable through two external address pins (A0 and A1). These pins allow the user to set two LSBs for a 7-bit slave address. Up to four devices can be connected to the bus.
When powered on, all switches are in the off state, and the internal registers are all zero.
This device has low power consumption and a working voltage range of 2.7 V to 5.5 V, making it suitable for many applications. CBMG715 can also be powered by ± 2.5 V dual power supply.
Supply(max) (V):5.5
Dual power supply voltage (typ) (V): ± 2.5
Single power supply: 2.7 V to 5.5 V
± 2.5 V dual power supply
Conduction resistance: 2.5 Ω (typical value)
Low conductivity resistance flatness: 0.6 Ω (typical value)
Leakage current: 100 pA
Power on reset
SPI/QSPI/MICROWIRE compatible interface
8-channel single pole single throw switch
TTL/CMOS compatible
Data collection system
communication system
Alternative relay solutions
Audio and video switches
Type | Title | File Size | Date | Download |
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7.73M | 2024-01-24 | Download |
模拟工程师计算器旨在加快模拟电路设计工程师经常使用的许多重复性计算。该基于 PC 的工具提供图形界面,其中显示各种常见计算的列表(从使用反馈电阻器设置运算放大器增益 到为稳定模数转换器 (ADC) 驱动器缓冲器电路选择合适的电路设计元件)。除了可用作单独的工具之外,该计算器还能够很好地与模拟工程师口袋参考书中所述的概念配合使用。
模拟工程师计算器旨在加快模拟电路设计工程师经常使用的许多重复性计算。该基于 PC 的工具提供图形界面,其中显示各种常见计算的列表(从使用反馈电阻器设置运算放大器增益 到为稳定模数转换器 (ADC) 驱动器缓冲器电路选择合适的电路设计元件)。除了可用作单独的工具之外,该计算器还能够很好地与模拟工程师口袋参考书中所述的概念配合使用。
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