Corebai launches a CBM 9002A USB2.0 controller laser marking machine solution
  • Released:2019-04-01 00:00:38
  • Views 770
The CBM9002A series is a USB microcontroller based on an enhanced 8051 core that meets industry standards

CBM9002A series is a USB microcontroller based on the enhanced 8051 core in line with the industrial standard. It supports two modes of USB2.0 protocol, high-speed 480mbps and full-speed 12mbps.
The enhanced 8051 can work at 48, 24 and 12Mhz frequencies; Each instruction cycle is 4 clocks, which is 3 times the speed of the standard 8051.CBM9002A series has built-in up to 16K bytes of on-chip SRAM space, which can be used to store user code or data.
CBM9002A series provides USART, I2C, GPIO and other common low-speed communication interfaces other than USB interface for communication with other peripherals.
CBM9002A series supports powerful data transmission functions such as SlaveFIFO and PIF (programmable interface), Based on the CBM9002A series firmware framework provided by Corebai, it can achieve data transmission capacity of more than 50MB / s, and the maximum bandwidth is USB2.0.


Product Features

Integrated, Industry Standard Enhanced 8051

48 MHz, 24 MHz, or 12 MHz CPU operation

Four clocks per instruction cycle


Three counter/timers

Two data pointers

Expanded interrupt system

Vectored USB Interrupts and GPIF/FIFO Interrupts


16 Kbytes of On-Chip Code/Data RAM

0.5 Kbytes of On-Chip dataRAM

Clock, reset

3.3V Operation with 5V Tolerant Inputs

Power on reset (POR), external RESET input

24MHz (± 100ppm) crystal oscillator

Low Power

It supports suspend mode, and the minimum power consumption is no more than 1mA

ICC No More than 85 mA in any Mode


Support standard USB2.0 protocol

Passed USB2.0 compatibility test of USBIF

Support high speed mode (480mbps) and full speed mode (12mbps)

It supports seven endpoints: EP0, ep1in, ep1out, EP2, EP4, ep6 and EP8

Integrated FIFO

Automatic conversion to and from 16-bit buses

Master or slave operation

Synchronous or asynchronous operation

Easy interface to ASIC and DSP ICs

General Programmable Interface (PIF)

Enables direct connection to most parallel interfaces

Support 4 programmable waveform descriptors

Supports multiple Ready (RDY) inputs and Control (CTL) outputs


Support 2 UART interfaces

The maximum baud rate supports 230.4kbaud


Operating rate 400kHz or 100kHz

Only master mode is supported

Counter / timer

Supports 3 16-bit counters / timers


Up to 5 groups, 40 bidirectional IO in total (only supported by 100pin)

Firmware startup

Internal RAM, firmware downloaded via USB

Internal RAM, firmware loaded through EEPROM






Operational temperature

Operating temperature range:









Product application

Sensor application

Portable video recorder

Industrial cameras, or video surveillance equipment

Data acquisition system

ATA interfaceSuch as IDE hard disk

  l Memory card readers


Laser engraving equipment

Portable sound card or MP3 player

VGA video capture and transmission equipment, etc



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